Friday, July 17, 2009


I found out yesterday the kids are having a little talent show at their school, and Little Miss Lady has been teaching her friends a Haitian song to sing for it.

Some of the kids were finding it difficult to learn, never having been exposed to another language. Miss Valerie was going on and on yesterday about how far the girl's English has progressed and how amazed she is at their ability. She kept telling the other kids "see, it's not so easy to speak another language, now is it!"

I was just glad to get this on video before they forget this stuff! And yes, that is Princess Pistolero in the background "let me see". If it's going on, she wants to be in the middle of it!


Lisa said...

That was VERY cute! And yes so glad you could get that on video before it's all gone! Oh my that little voice saying "let me see!" She really is a pistol!!

Glady said...

her voice sound so sweet " let me see mommy" LOL

Oh I know that song, bring back a lot of memories LOL

lousy translated
My mom had a cat
She tied it on the table
she sent me to untie it, and the cat scratch me LOL
the cat scratched me and I scrathed it too LOL

Makes No sense whatsoever LOL no animal rights in Haiti LOL

Love it

Calico Sky said...

What a lovely lesson for the other children re the language! Sadly video won't work on this computer :-(

daily scripture