Thursday, December 4, 2008


I am blessed. And I am grateful.

Life is not perfect. I have had an emotional roller coaster of a week. I have been irritated, sad, angry, incredulous, shocked, surprised, speechless and deliriously happy coming to terms with some God-plans that dovetailed into my life's perfect road map. It all feels almost as miraculous as the event pictured above. Foggy desires that were on the periphery of dreams, not even close to being pictured as a reality are suddenly reality. It's so true that God often closes one door on us so he can open another. He and I have been wrestling over something extremely significant to me for about a year. Not so much fighting; me just wanting what I wanted, even if it was wrong for my life, and wanting Him to approve it. I was not disobedient, but I kept wanting specific guidance for a certain conclusion. This has not been mild conversation. It has been heart and gut wrenching. What I kept hearing over and over was "how can I give you your true heart's desire if you will not let go of this idol?" My grip was more than white knuckle, let me just say that.

At any rate, the conclusion was dramatic and astonishing. A sensecal end and beginning. There is a spiritual teaching that states that even the smallest pebble makes numerous ripples when it's tossed into a still pond. He took the many pebbles and ripples of my life and drew them together to create perfect harmony. And someday when this story reaches it's logical conclusion, I will tell it in detail as opposed to the abstract.


Janet said...

God is awesome let him guide you to where he wants you. There are no blessings without him.

Sarah said...

Incredible post---I loved how you shared this!

daily scripture