Thursday, December 6, 2007

Reason for the Season

It is not my intention to get political on this blog, but I wanted to post this picture because it's the first time in many years I have seen anything like it in a public arena. In the little town I grew up in Northern California, I used to look so forward to the Nativity Scene going up on the (usually snow covered) courthouse lawn.

I found this old picture of that courthouse on the web. No, not taken by me as a child! (LOL) Probably not too long after it was completed judging by the cars and lack of landscaping.

This is how it looks today. I couldn't find a Christmas picture. So I don't know if they still do the Nativity or not.

At any rate, I was happy to see the Nativity Scene go up across the street from City Hall down here in Tiny Town South, USA.


9 days ago I posted that I was creatively blocked due to my procrastination in dealing with some tough issues concerning my adoption and some very important people close to me. I actually have two seperate issues going on, if you can believe that! One person is right here, the other lives across the country. I'm still working on the latter, but I dealt with the here and now shortly after that post. I am sorry to report that this person is not going to be at all supportive of my adoption and after many years, will probably not be in my life anymore at all. And that is what I was afraid of. So I am dealing with some real heartache and loss, but on the other hand, I got my answer, instead of trying to guess or fantisize about what was going to happen, and as a result, I am no longer feeling nearly as creatively blocked or emotionally constipated. Thankfully I feel more like myself. It is not like me to NOT deal with issues, and often I rush headlong into these emotional forays shooting from the hip, devil may care where the chips fall. But I have also learned to value the concept of timing. As in "timing is everything". I hope I am not being too obtuse here. I still feel the need to protect the privacy of everyone involved. But I know a few people here were waiting for the other shoe to drop, and it did!


Not Betty Crocker said...

I'm so sorry someone important to you is not supportive of your adoption...that's sad. I hope the other issue has a better outcome.

Loved the pictures of the nativity and the parade pics.

Janet said...

I am sorry you did not get the reaction you wished for but hang in there. My family never acknowledged or supported our adoptions but now they are thrilled when we are around.(or pretend to be) They are back to pretending we are not adopting again. Some people don't understand it's a calling from God for some of us!

Marta said...

Yes, Janet, I definitely felt/feel called. Telling God I couldn't do it because of other's dissaproval is not an option!!!! Not to imply I view this as my "duty", it's just when my desire lines up with God's will, it's a beautiful thing.

Kathy Cassel said...

I pray God will fill your life up with supportive people.

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