Friday, July 18, 2008

Poverty and Desperation

A news story came out last week that I have hesitated to post. There is no doubt that attention needs to be drawn to the matter of child slavery in Haiti. Most of us familiar with Haitian culture are aware that this is real. I have been hesitant because:

  1. There are perverts out there that could use this information in evil ways
  2. ABC has done a decent job of presenting a factual picture, however, their reporting is biased and aimed at selling (therefore sensationalizing) their story. For instance in segment one, they don't let the viewer know that it would be almost impossible for ANYONE to get a child out of Haiti without the proper paperwork, and there are actually enough safeguards in place between the Haitian government and the Embassies to prevent that. They also do not present the fact that the "seller" could EASILY take the "buyers" money and run. And probably would. They love Americans. Naive and rich.
  3. Still, there is much truth in the report, especially in the second and third segment, and it is very hard to watch.
  4. I'm not sure if this story was meant to portray the Haitians badly or not. If so, that is not a fair portrayal. There is evil everywhere, just as there is good everywhere. I am not defending the evil in this situation; it is indefensible. What is always amazing to me in Haiti is how much good you will also see despite the circumstances. Most of us cannot comprehend this level of poverty and desperation.

I read the comments sent in by viewers, to ABC after this was aired on Nightline. Most Americans were ignorant of this situation, and most wanted to help but had no idea how to go about it. Many seemed to be extremely shocked. Some came to the realization of how blessed we really are. Many asked about adoption and did not have a clue on how to get started. A few very naive and judgemental comments concerning women's rights (lack of knowledge of lack there of), birth control, UNICEF and the UN, and of course, the anti-adoption folks, to me the most unrealistic of all. There were many requests for ABC to do a follow up story.

The story was presented in 3 parts:

part 1

part 2

part 3

you can help

sign a petition to end child slavery in Haiti (non-ABC affiliated)

This was very difficult for me to watch. I know that the Haitians do love their children. There is not a quick fix for Haiti; the problems are complex and will not be solved overnight. More than ever I respect my Haitian children's parent (s) for making the best decision about the girls that they could under the circumstance. I know that when the adoption is finalized, I will not be done in Haiti. The best way to help is to educate. Educate us. Educate the Haitians so they can break free from this captivity of poverty and sickness and hopelessness. I know that sounds simplistic, perhaps even idealistic, but that is the best place to start in my opinion.

The reason I decided to post this story anyway? Dysfunction thrives under silence. If this reaches just one person who decides to help even in a small way, I would consider it progress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing. I really, REALLY wanted to see this "show" and wondered if it would ever be put on the internet (no cable). Truly sad.

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