Sunday, June 21, 2009

Memorial Park

I have to give kudos to Janet's older daughters. They have been taking care of TnT with Janet in Haiti right now, and their Dad on on the road. Is it just me, or are Haitian kids incredibly smart, alert, curious, and therefore BUSY? Times that by 2, and you have one busy mama. Or in their case, two busy older sisters. So, we got them all together yesterday for a stroll thru Memorial Park. Pretty Haitian girls x 4 = GOOD TIMES

Ashley in charge

Memorial Park has a pool and a play ground, a lake, cook-out areas, a theater and a small wildlife zoo. So off we go!

First stop: the alligators! It reminded me of our trip to Haiti Baptist Mission exactly one year ago. And they had a crocodile. To me, both equally yucky...I'm not a big fan of most reptiles.

Turtles are OK, we saw those next.

We also went to the reptile house and there was a guy there holding a rat snake. Obviously I'm grateful for rat snakes but I don't want to hold one. I did my best not to display my prejudice however and encouraged the girls to touch the snake, but they declined (smart girls) except little T barely put her finger on it after much ado.

Next, the birds. There were several types of owls but this picture of the horned owl was the only decent shot I got.

Red Tail Hawk, which is native to this area, but rare. They also had some wild turkeys and that species is also native but rare, although I have one that shows up in my front yard periodically.

Golden Eagle

Bald Eagle

Then on to the big (literally) attraction, the Black Bear. Doing what any respectable bear would do in the heat, take a nap!

Princess decides she is a bear too...

Bear Habitat

Did I mention it was hot? 98 degrees and 88% humidity. At least the trees helped!

Pretty girls!

Little Miss Lady took this shot

Then we went to the play ground for awhile.

These girls love to swing...

Then a walk in the heat up a hard hill to the parking lot (I felt like the turtle) and we were done!


Lisa said...

Thanks for posting on my blog, you always have something so meaningful to say. Your words of wisdom and encouragement I hope will continue to keep me going through this crazy, LONG process!

How fun you can get your girls together with TnT, they really are all SO beautiful & seem happy together! What a sweet little Haitian community you all will have when the other two come home, 6 Haitian American kids growing up together, YEAH!!


Steph, G's Mom said...

Sigh....despite the shockingly un-California-like weather, I had a pang of heartache in my chest and wished that there were 5 little girls walking hand in hand i that photo, and G was one of them. I think I have some "I took you from your sisters and now you are an only child" guilt going on here! They all look fabulous and like best buddies!!! Do A and EM try to speak Kreyol to TnT?

Jennifer said...

Looks like a great time was had! Four beautiful Haitian girls, indeed!!

Janet said...

Looks like you had a great time thanks for inviting the girls while I was in Haiti!

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