Friday, January 8, 2010

The Dry Season

This is classic Elle Marie.  She goes pedal to the metal till she conks out.  Doesn't everyone sleep in the car with their bookbag on as well as their BICYCLE HELMET????

Ava has not had a melt-down in 6.5 days, although she was considering it this morning.  That's quite a stretch considering how the last 3 weeks have been.  Maybe we'll get through the week-end unscathed, I can hope.  Although I have to say, before she started doing this on a daily basis, week-ends were the most likely time.  Something about close proxcimity and not being on as tight of a schedule.

I do appreciate all your thoughts and prayers, your support, your emails, and sharing your experiences.  I know many of us knew our adoptions would be hard, and we did our best to prepare ourselves, but I don't think anyone knew what we would really be dealing with.   I'm talking especially to you, my fellow Haitian-Baby Mamas.  You know who you are!

My sister is coming on Tuesday to stay for two weeks, and I'm looking forward to that for alot of reasons.  My battery needs to be recharged.  There is nothing like being around the people that love you unconditionally,  for that.  I was not kidding when I said I felt like I had lost a part of myself in all this mess.  I've lost my baseline optimism, and my capacity for joy is buried deep inside me somewhere.  I want to find these things again.  They propel me thru life. I need these things back.


Sarah said...

I'm glad to read that your sister is coming for a visit. Recharging and regaining focus with the help of a loved one is a great thing indeed.

Your comments about losing baseline optimism and joy really hit home with me. I struggle to keep centered on the joys that do exist in my life, especially with my other children. I have spent many an evening crying, feeling drained and guilty because I'm taking away of my attention from and not sharing joy with the kids here who aren't handfuls. Sigh.

I'm praying for a peaceful weekend for you. And if that's not the case, then that your sister's plane gets in early on Tuesday :)


Not Betty Crocker said...

Yes, you definitely need those things back. I'm so glad your sister is coming-have a great visit! Crossing my fingers you have an uneventful weekend.

Jennifer said...

Hope your weekend is going well; and am very glad to hear your sister is coming to visit. That may be just the thing to jump start the underground joy and optimism!

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