Saturday, January 30, 2010


Kids are starting to be transported out of Port-au-Prince again.  In case I was not clear about this in the previous post, the Haitian and American governments put a stop to evacuations effective last Monday.  There was concern about the process, mostly I assume the receiving end.  Now there is a very stringent process in place which apparently will take many hours/days to get thru.  As the rules seems to change daily, even hourly, I can only pray I have all that I need when our time comes.  Right now I am praying that our time will come.  Like others, I feel that time is of the essence.  There is enormous politcal pressure surrounding the evacuation of these orphans, who were orphans before the quake, who were matched with American families before the quake.  Please pray that Stevenson ("Estivenson" in Creole) will soon be reunited with his sisters and with his new mommy. Please pray for our PAC group, that all these families will be reunited, and soon. 


Jennifer said...

Praying all the children with proper paperwork can get home to their new families and make room for new orphans and displaced children.

Sarah said...

Praying for all of you still waiting. This struggle shall pass. And the Lord has BIG huge beautiful plans for these little ones.

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