Saturday, March 1, 2008

I Wish

I wish I had more to say on the adoption front today. I wish I could say I had hope that my girls will be home soon. I wish I could say that I am confident that they will be home before their next birthdays. I wish I could say I am out of IBESR! But the truth is, I don't know. I'm not sure where my file is. I don't know when they will be home. I know I am willing to wait, I am willing to do whatever it takes to get them here. I have faith, and I believe in God's good will. But today, about these other things, I do not know, and it's not easy.Another adoptive mom posted her video of her recent trip to Haiti, and it raised alot of emotion in me. I saw Marie, and it made me miss her. Her voice was comforting and familiar to me. I saw life in the street, and I missed it! OMG I missed Haiti!!! Haiti gets in your blood. Go there, and you will never forget it. Life levels you there. Are people in Haiti more soulful? I don't want to over dramatize, but something inside me says yes. Circumstances require you to be honest, vulnerable, and humble. Cimcumstances dictate that you are completely stripped down to who you really are. I am completely beyond words to describe this phenomenon. It just is what it is. I think I am more soulful there.


Aves @ Call of the Phoebe said...

I also wish for the day that this "waiting" is a distant memory!!!I know it will come, but it is hard right now.

I hope you get some good news when S calls tonight.


This Mama said...

It is so hard, I am so glad that I have you to wait with though...I feel so lucky for our group :)

Marta said...

Thanks y'all for your support. Being in this together does make it easier...I think...really, I could not imagine going thru this in isolation, could you?????

Kathy Cassel said...

I so understand!

Sarah and Tim said...

I sure hope you get great, awesome news soon!

This Mama said...

yes - like the people who do not go on the computer and have monthly support meetings with all Parents from various programs (cool in it's own way) but I couldn't imagine such a long wait in the Haiti program and not having anyone.

Jenn said...

The wait is getting harder and harder. There are days when I just crave news, an news! doesn't even have to be my own, just to comfort me that something is happening...fingers crossed that this is a "stellar news week" for all of us!

Anonymous said...

I hope you hear news soon M wishes do come true!!


Not Betty Crocker said...

I wish the wait was over too. Since that's not a reality right now, I wish for you to be out of IBESR very soon and I wish for you to have the strength to endure this agonizing wait.

junglemama said...

The way you describe Haiti is very touching. I have never been there but I completely understand what you are talking about. I felt very much the same way when I was in Mexico on a mission. Blessing and I hope your girls get to come home soon!

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