Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Zen of Commencement

University President Michael Adams with Justice Clarence Thomas

Yesterday was commencement at the university, and I had to go in to make sure our little piece of the campus puzzle was functioning correctly. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was the commencement speaker. I watched him from the air-conditioned sanctity of the Tate Theater. The local paper wrote the story . Here is the thing that struck me, once again. It's about segregation. Because Justice Thomas is of a certain age, and because he was raised in Georgia, he could not attend the very university that he gave his speech at yesterday. Having spent most of my life in a different part of the country, I never thought about segregation much, except as as afterthought, a page in the history book, something that happened a long time ago, far away, practically in another country! It was certainly not anything that had anything to do with my life! I thought it was terrible in theory, but I was very dissociated from it. After I moved here, I met many people, not that much older than me, that had lived that life, right here in our Big University Town.

It really hit me. Segregation is something that is not so long ago or far away, and it left vast scars on this entire region. I don't say this to point fingers, or to blame. It actually is amazing how far our society has come after breaking down that last tangible barrier. In my mind, segregation is the last scar. When it was defeated, it was the final true barrier to equality. Justice Thomas is a fine example of achievement, someone who has lived to see the change.

Cultural barriers exist still. However, thankfully, the law no longer supports racism and division.


Normally I would post these next pictures on my other blog, but I have a point to make. I had to get my feelings out on my last post. They were encompassing my life to the point of exclusion. Afterwards, I felt better, but I also felt a strong desire to post something positive, or profound, or at least exciting! But I had nothing inside me. I had to wait.

Yesterday at commencement I was looking for a place to park. What a joke! I found a place a long way from the stadium and enjoyed (not) a good hike in the heat. Where I parked was near a place I had not been in a long time.

The Warnell Garden is somewhat hidden. I used to come here many years ago when I worked at another location on campus, to alleviate my stress. I remembered how I would sit on the wall and pray and meditate and fight to bring my BP down! I have not forgotten about this place, but I had not come here in so many years, as it is not so conveinent. It is so peaceful. I need to start coming here again!

Walking in

View of the pond

Do you see the turtle?

Now you do!

I like to sit on this wall

Beautiful Oakleaf Hydrangea

1 comment:

Not Betty Crocker said...

The Warnell Garden is beautiful-thanks for sharing.

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