Saturday, November 1, 2008

Kick Off

I never thought I cared much for Halloween. I liked making costumes for my boys when they were younger. I liked eavesdropping on them as they were discussing their haul. LG could go into quite a thoughtful dissertation on the merits and demerits of candies as a 4 year old. He's always been an action kid and a deep thinker at the same time. But mostly, for me, Halloween has just been the kick-start to months of crazy holiday activity.

This year it rolled around and I had no kids at home. NG in San Francisco***that city goes crazy for this holiday, and it's not all good. So I still have to worry about whether he is having a SAFE good time even though he is 20 years old. LG was at his daddy's house. Obviously, the girls are in Haiti. I had to work at not feeling sorry for myself. It dawned on me I liked Halloween more than I realized, because it's all about kids.

I don't get alot of trick-or-treaters at my house. Most go to subdivisions now. I live in a tiny hamlet, and not in a subdivision. I got ready for them anyway. I never want to be like the guy that lives kitty-corner, who refuses trick-or-treaters. Actually, he just ignores them. LG and I found this out one Halloween when we approached his house and he happened to be talking out the trash. He wouldn't make eye contact, and he appeared to be running away from us. It probably goes without saying that he refused to open the door when little LG knocked on it. Then he turned off the porch light. What a grinch!***wait***wrong holiday. You know what I mean!

My camera really sucked at those outside-at-dusk shots, the only way I could get anything was with the flash off, and for some reason it was blurred.

I began to wonder if I was going to get any little ghouls at all. But when the dogs all started barking in unison, I knew I finally had a taker.

A 5 year old vampire! I shoulda given her alot more candy, considering she ended up being the only one. She sure was cute and sweet though.

I know wishing your life away is wrong. Easier said than done, especially when in the middle of an adoption. But I am so looking forward to next Halloween when this holiday will again be filled with children's laughter. And I won't have to be tempted by a full candy dish!

And BTW: Happy Kick-off To The Crazy Holiday Season!

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