Sunday, February 1, 2009

Adoption Fatigue = Obligitory Cute Animal Post

My little man had to go in and have his "manhood" adjusted on Friday, and he has spent the week-end recovering. He is completely back to his normal bossy self, but he was pretty out of it on Friday night and it was hard to see him like that.

Today I stopped by the feed store to get one of my other dogs a skin allergy supplement and the Eukanuba Championship was on their TV. The Pembroke Corgi was competing for best in show, however the dang Pointer won. (Pointer??? You've got to be kidding me!)

Anyway...found some footage leading up to that, in this video the Corgi places second in the Breeder's Exhibition. However, she placed first in her group previously which is why she was completing in 'Best of Show'

(site would not allow me to embed this video, hence the link)

The Corgi shows up about 3/4 of the way thru this film. My dog would never make it in show. When they go to look at the teeth? Forget about it! Touch the butt? You better really forget about it! If you watch this, you will see she does not stand for it well either. Anyway, the vid is kinda long but you serious dog lovers will like it. Some beautiful dog breeds in there.

OK, next video is short, but fun to watch. Agility!

And for the cat lovers, here is something I saw the other day that just cracked me up. Riding the Roomba!

All right, fellow adoption warriors, that took my mind off of my cares for at least 10 minutes. Maybe it will work for you too!


This Mama said...

Oh M - I hear ya! Whatever distracts us, gets us through!

Aves @ Call of the Phoebe said...

M, thanks for braids site. It should come in handy in future hair styling sessions. Youa re almost at the end...just hold on a little longer!!


Rumo Mom said...

prancer12Ok Julie here just e mailed you and them jumped to your blog and could not believe it when I saw you dog. We also have a Corgi as well! She is a porky little red and white girl named Kiara. She is actually our second but the first one we have had since a pup. We are hooked, I couldn't imagine having any other breed.

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