Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Golden Week-End

It was a great week-end with PERFECT fall weather. Got some things done that needed to be done. I put a sealer/enhancer on my wood floor in the living room. My floors need to be sanded and refinished but I don't see that happening in the immediate future, so I tried out this product and it is an improvement. At least it gives the worn places some protection so it is not a dirt magnet. If I can just remember to use a neutral cleaner now. I don't want to have to redo it in a month or so, like I am having to re-my kitchen. LG got up on the roof and cleaned the gutters out for me. I have some huge trees on my property, and every year the gutters get pretty bad. The stuff that comes out of there is perfect compost. Luckily, the flower beds are directly below! The gutters were getting embarrassing. I not only had weeds growing in them (optimal growing conditions!) I had a few trees sprouted!
Now that the harsh heat is gone, I really have the urge to get some things done around the house and outside. And I have a love/hate relationship with college football. The hate part is that it steals my week-ends. This was my last free week-end for awhile.
I'm finishing a photo album for the girls, so I got some photos of LG and the big dogs. Trying to somehow prepare my little girls for the reality of living with dogs, which is a completely foreign concept in their culture.

Also took some video of Dina, the Golden. She is 11.5 years old, and I have had her since she was about 6 months old. She was dumped on the side of the road out in the middle of nowhere, and became available for rescue. She has been the best companion evah...the only dog-child for many years. She has a garden variety of health problems, but mostly has good days. She is still crazy after all these years! She is a "talker" but I could not get her to cooperate in the video. That's a dog for ya!

1 comment:

Aves @ Call of the Phoebe said...

beautiful dogs!!! fall cleaning, there is something magical about it.


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