Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Confession Time:

I'm fried. Stuff going on in life (too aggravating/boring to discuss) and this forever adoption... has just left me pretty much speechless for now. And worn out.

I purchased the controversial photo CD. You groupers know what I'm talking about.

So since I have nothing to talk about but I do have a bunch of Haitian images, I will leave you with some of my favorites...

Not sure where this was taken but these roads look to be in pretty good shape, which is often NOT the case....

These are professional photos courtesy of Annie Wesche of Windsor CO, who traveled in December with one of the agencies to our creche. There were hundreds of pics of the children at the O but it's not my place to post those here. There were only a few fleeting group shots with my older girl in them, and none of my younger child. Someday when they are finally home and when they are ready, they can look at these pictures of the country where they were born and where they have spent at least half of their childhood. The press loves to show the ugly, but there is much beauty in Haiti too, and I want them to remember that.


Sarah said...

"Fried" is a perfect word for it. I'm so fried that I don't even know what words I should write to comfort you in your fried time. Just know you're not alone, and I'm still praying for your adoption :)

Marta said...

Thank you so much Sarah. That comment brought tears to my eyes. I have faith that it will get better for all of us AND OUR CHILDREN, but sometimes it's just damn difficult.

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