Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cook's Holiday

Me and my Hostess Team

Sadly, this is a post about what's been going on at work, because it has been whats taking much of my time and energy. Every year our department does a two day event at Christmas called "Cook's Holiday" (the internal, unofficial name for the event is "Cook's Nightmare") in which thousands of faculty, staff, and retirees descend upon us for a holiday feast. It's a good time for them and alot of work for us. This year was, however, I think the best one evah! It went smoothly, and last night when I got home, I fell in the bed exhausted with my feet propped up on pillows!

Trying to get the chefs to settle down for their official picture

Three chocolate fountains!

Buffet Lines
String Quartet


The View From the Top

(Can you believe this is a Dining Hall???)

"Ave Maria"


Aves @ Call of the Phoebe said...

You are tagged;


Janet said...

I need to come work with you! Yum!
Everything looks so beautiful

Dave Robertson said...

Wow, delicious!

at Rings & Things

daily scripture